PortraitFlip Store Credit Terms & Conditions
Want to save a little extra with every painting you commission? Here’s what you can do!
Note: Store credit is only awarded to customers who have placed an order with us and performed certain activities to earn it. Â
Store Credit Terms & Conditions
- The store credit can be redeemed only against the product and services purchased from portraitflip.com.
- The store credit cannot be used for purchasing add on services like Frames, Timelapse Video or Express Shipping.
- The store credit cannot be used to purchase gift cards.
- The store credit is valid only for 12 months from the date of issue. The credit cannot be used after the validity expires nor can the validity be extended.
- Store credits cannot be changed into cash refunds.
- Store credits can also be used as a discount with a new order.
- You can use only a $50 discount at the maximum for one order. If you are awarded $200 as your store credit, you can use $50 discounts four times on four different orders.
- If an order made with store credit is cancelled, the amount will be refunded as store credit and not in cash.
- An individual cannot buy store credits. It is only awarded by PortraitFlip.
- Store credits are only awarded when PortraitFlip checks and approves the quality of the unboxing video and the social media posts.
- It is mandatory for the customer to tag @portraitflip and use #PortraitFlip with the posts shared on social media. As soon as we are notified about the tags, the store credit will be reflected in the next 3-4 days.Â