Paintings by Jackson Pollock: A Collection Of Abstract Expressionism

Paintings by Jackson Pollock: A Collection Of Abstract Expressionism

As soon as you hear “Abstract Expressionist,” Jackson Pollock’s name pops up as the major figure of the art movement.

He was among the leading artists of the 20th century, with a notoriety tag added to his name.

Pollock developed many styles in the history of abstract and modern art.

Finding a new means to the art and producing it on one’s own terms was more of his thinking.

But who does not have inspiration in their life?

Likewise, Jackson Pollock had numerous figures that inspired him, such as Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro, Max Ernst, and more.

Jackson was famous for his abstract drip paintings on canvas.

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He is an artist belonging to: splashing, dropping, and throwing paint on a canvas.

Due to this, he became exclusively famous for the masterpieces he produced.

But do you know about Abstract Expressionism?

Let me enlighten you on this subject first!

About Abstract Expressionism

A painting about abstract expressionism which is portrayed as paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: doagahehoc242 cloudfront

“Abstract Expressionism” is an art movement introduced in the mid 20th century that comprises manifold styles.

It was an artistic technique that represented the independent thoughts of the artist.

The movement gives meaning to gestural brush strokes and mark making figures.

It basically shows the meaning behind each brush stroke that Pollock, as an artist, is dripping on the canvas.

Most people find abstract art jumbled.

Many questions crossed the mind, such as, “is that really an art?” What does that even mean? Why would someone paint such art?

With the thought of learning more about Pollock’s iconic pieces of art and the meaning they carry, here we have discussed the ten paintings by Jackson Pollock, which will help you understand the artwork in a better way.

Let’s read!

1. Convergence, 1952

Painting Number 1 (Lavender Mist) which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: googleusercontent

If we are talking about the most iconic paintings by Jackson Pollock, then “Convergence” has to be on the tip of your tongue.

This art symbolizes freedom of speech and expression.

Convergence by Jackson Pollock basically commenced with black and white colors but eventually was splattered with various primary colors on top.

In 1964, a challenge was introduced in the form of a jigsaw puzzle of this painting.

It was given the title “the world’s most difficult puzzle.”

Thousands of people tend to buy the jigsaw in order to accept the challenge and create a new record by solving the 1000 pieces.

The painting also reflect the Cold War crisis with Russia.

Do you know the current cost of this masterpiece?

The estimated Convergence (Pollock) price is more than 300 million dollars. It’s huge!

Currently, this gem exhibits at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, New York.

Now we can imagine why it’s one of the most renowned paintings by Jackson Pollock.

2. Number 1 (Lavender Mist), 1950

Painting Blue Poles (Number 11) which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: arthive

Give this artwork a closer look.

You will notice handprints of Pollock in the upper right and left corners as his signature.

This is the reason why it is Jackson Pollock most famous paintings.

But there is another part that make this art to fall into Jackson Pollock famous paintings. You know what?

This painting is a significance of Pollock’s artistic breakthrough.

Let me tell you a little backstory that led to the creation of this artwork!

While suffering through alcoholism, Jackson decided to move to a quieter place on eastern Long Island.

He had his own shop next to his house and would set down his brush and canvas on the sand to complete his works.

The colors he used depicted his emotions and the situation he was going through.

Pollock used action painting, which is one kind of abstract art, to portray the feelings he has in his inner self.

You must be wondering why it is called Lavender Mist although there is no trace of lavender, right?

Well, Clement Greenberg, an art critic, suggested this title to Pollock, which he eventually kept.

Jackson’s sands, eelgrass around his house and the gorgeous watery lights in the sea became his main inspiration.

An artist named Alfonso Ossorio bought the painting for $1,500 in installments during the 1950s and later sold it to a gallery in New York City.

This artwork by Jackson Pollock currently exhibits at the National Gallery of Art, Washington.

Today, the artwork is worth more than $450 million, which is remarkable.

3. Blue Poles (Number 11), 1952

Painting Blue Poles (Number 11) which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: content.ngv

Originally named “Number 11,” Pollock gave the work the title “Blue Poles,” which was first seen in an exhibition at the Sidney Janis Gallery in 1954.

The medium used in this artwork is enamel and aluminum paint with glass on canvas.

Jackson’s thought behind this painting was to depict the unconsciousness of human minds.

He was fascinated by Jungian psychoanalysis, which led to the creation of this masterpiece.

It is one of the most famous paintings by Pollock from the abstract movement.

Known for the drip technique, this piece is different from his other work due to the vertical blue pole being the center of attraction for the viewers.

A chunk of sand and glass were also incorporated in the artwork making it unique.

National Gallery of Australia bought the painting in 1973 with a massive price tag of 1.3 million dollars.

It is considered the most renowned work held by the gallery to date.

4. Mural, 1943

Painting Mural which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: blogspot

An artwork that was the turning point for American art—Mural!

This painting was the first commissioned work of Pollock by Peggy Guggenheim.

It’s a transition from representational art to action art.

It was said that Guggenheim wanted Pollock to paint on the wall, but Marcel Duchamp suggested painting on a canvas to keep it portable. 

Mural painting means artworks on the wall, but Pollock brought an oversized canvas to paint this masterpiece.

After being “blocked” by thoughts about what exactly to put on the canvas, this art by Jackson Pollock was finished in just one night.

Mural represents a “scattering of every creature in the American West.”

It’s a vision of Jackson’s, which makes him paint such artwork with the thought that everything is changing around the world.

The Iowa Stanley Museum of Art exhibits these Jackson Pollock artworks in its gallery.

The value that this masterpiece holds is more than 140 million dollars, which adds more shine to it.

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5. Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), 1950

Painting Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: galleryintell

The MET has this drip painting attached to it as a badge of honor.

As the title suggests, “Autumn Rhythm” provides an idea of the month as well as the instability of nature.

Being the first drip painting by Jackson Pollock, it was the most famous work during the month of October.

People, while reviewing Pollock’s art, have thoughts about what makes it different from his other works.

Well, Jackson was a genius. You know why?

This is because every stroke and splash of paint were more strategically placed than in his previous work.

As a famous abstract artist, Pollock knows how to portray his work in its most unique form.

In a way, the thought that carries this art is Pollock’s abandoning personal power to the artistic process, which was a great contribution to modern art.

Jackson expresses this feeling by renouncing all responsive control over his work.

6. One: Number 31, 1950

Painting One: Number 31 which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: shopify

You must be wondering why Jackson Pollock uses a number instead of giving it a particular name.

The reason behind this pattern is that Pollock has the belief that numbers are unbiased and objective.

They create a pattern that speaks about the painting in a unique way without making a difference.

One: Number 31 is one of the largest Jackson Pollock paintings.

It illustrates a perfect drip technique in which he drops, throws, or splashes the paint on the canvas from the top.

Marking a worth of 45 million dollars, this artwork exhibits in the Museum of Modern Art.

7. The She Wolf, 1943

Painting The She Wolf which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: moma

The most energetic paintings by Jackson Pollock, The She Wolf, gives out a look that is influential for others.

The She Wolf was painted before the drip technique was introduced.

It is believed that the wolf in the painting is suggested as the animal that breastfed the twin founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.

Jackson’s first solo exhibition, Art of This Century,” featured The She Wolf.

The use of colors, patterns, and shapes captivates the viewer’s attention.

It doesn’t illuminate a vibrant view; instead, it gives the art a darkly humorous effect.

This conveys a message of fearless thinking about Pollock’s mind.

Later, the Museum of Modern Art acquired the painting and became the first museum where Pollock’s work was exhibited.

8. The Deep, 1953

Painting The Deep which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: wordpress

One of the most famous paintings by Jackson Pollock, The Deep, was one of his last works before his unfortunate death.

The Deep became the most controversial artwork and a topic that people would debate.

The choice of colors in this artwork (gray, black, and white) depicts the emotions and breakthrough he was suffering from.

The shades show the effects of the alcohol he was drowning himself in.

With numerous interpretations on the painting and the shuffling of the names, such as a viscous cut or a dying man, the painting gives each time a different view.

This proves the artist’s point that the art could be seen in the way the viewer examined it.

This Jackson Pollock painting was on display at the Centre Pompidou Museum in Paris.

Keeping in mind his earlier works, this masterpiece would also include a value that is beyond one’s imagination!

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9. Number 17A, 1948

Painting Number 17A which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: shopify

Number 17A could be counted as the best example of the drip technique introduced by Pollock.

It’s an oil art on a fireboard canvas with a huge quantity of paint that creates a complex swirl of colors.

With all the paint smudged in white, yellow, blue, and black, it’s impossible to locate the top and bottom of the painting.

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Number 17A was also featured in Life magazine in August 1949.

It was sold for $200 million in 2015, making it the most expensive painting at that time.

There is not much spoken about Number 17A paintings by Jackson Pollock, which makes it more mysterious!

There is one more painting that is more expensive than his Number 17A. Can you tell me the name?

It’s Number 5 (1948) which is considered as Jackson Pollock most expensive painting of all time with a selling amount of astounding $140 million.

There were numerous famous artists who practiced abstract painting just like Jackson. Kandinsky was one of them whose art blew the minds of the people.

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10. Full Fathom Five, 1947

Painting Full Fathom Five which is one of the famous paintings by Jackson Pollock.
Image: shopify

Have you seen a two or three dimensional abstract painting before?

Well, Full Fathom Five by Jackson Pollock is one of the paintings that gives out this appeal to the viewers.

It was the pioneer painting of the drip technique.

This Jackson Pollock paintings is a metaphor for the human mind and the thoughts that they carry within themselves.

Although it glitters in the light, the surface beneath releases a composition that showcases the disturbed and gloomy minds of humans.

Have you read The Tempest by Shakespeare?

If you have, then you must be aware of the title to which this painting belongs.

It basically comes from one of the scenes where colors are represented as shipwrecks, which were described by Ariel in the play.

The lines go like this, “Full fathom five thy father lies / Of his bones are coral made / Those are pearls that were his eyes.”

This paintings by Jackson Pollock is housed in the Museum of Modern Art, with no estimated cost mentioned.

Remember, art is created from the perspective of the painter with the inspiration that they have in the first place.

Now, you know the art, but what about the man behind those works?

Below is a small gist of facts about artist Jackson Pollock that will enhance your knowledge.

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Facts about Jackson Pollock

Picture of famous abstract expressionism artist depicting one of the paintings by Jackson Pollock"
Image: sothebys

To know why is Jackson Pollock famous, we first need to learn some interesting facts about him:

  • Pollock was known by his middle name “Jackson,” his first name was Paul.
  • Jackson was sent to psychiatric care for a few months during the summer after he had a nervous breakdown.
  • He was highly influenced by his wife, Lee Krasner whose natural forms and treating the canvas as a flat piece made him paint his most renowned paintings.
  • Although painter Jackson Pollock is considered as the most famous in today’s time with criticism and negative reviews being a  huge part of his life.
  • Jackson Pollock death was tragic. He died at an early age of 44 in a traffic collision.
  • He was an artist who never used an easel for his work.
  • Jackson Pollock’s older brother Charles Pollock was also a painter who helped him kick-start his career. 
  • He was once the subject of Oscar winning film “Pollock.”
  • Most of his work was a part of his subconscious and conscious minds depending on how sober he is while painting.
  • Jackson Pollock never travelled outside the United States even though he had numerous shows overseas.

Lastly, I would like to mention one of his quotes,

“Every good painter paints what he is.”

Jackson Pollock

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Why is Jackson Pollock paintings so expensive?

Jackson Pollock painted rich, original works that influenced the Abstract Expressionist movement, making space among the expensive paintings.

What was Jackson Pollock’s most famous painting called?

The most famous painting by Jackson Pollock is Number One, 1950 (Lavender Mist).

What is Jackson Pollock art style?

Apart from Abstract Expressionism, Jackson also use art styles such as Modern art and Action paintings.

What is Jackson Pollock biggest paintings?

Mural (1943) is the largest work by Jackson Pollock that is stretched by 20 feet wide by 8 feet tall.

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