30+ Most Famous Landscape Paintings: A Quick Guide! 

Famous landscape paintings featured image

A field of lush green grass, a blanket of stars above your head, and wind blowing through your hair!

You’re standing on the edge of a cliff, and you see the city lights shining through!

Won’t you just get mesmerized by the view? You would definitely want to experience it too.

Now here’s a fun fact for you, I am talking about some of the most famous landscape paintings, not some destination for a vacation!

Yes, paintings that not only please your eyes but will give you the experience of a lifetime.

Art across genres is famous for transporting us into a different realm.

Sometimes they imitate life, and if we were to just focus on natural life, those can be best seen in landscape paintings! 

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I have made a listicle of paintings for you, which were created by some of the most famous painters in history.

So, while you indulge in each of these paintings, I hope you get to experience the artist’s perspective as much as possible!

Table of contents

View of Toledo by El Greco (1600)

View of Toledo by El Greco (1600)
Image Source: etsy

El Greco was a Greek painter, sculptor, and architect of the Spanish Renaissance.

His main objective was to convey the greatness of the city where he was born and brought up. 

That’s exactly what he did in this landscape painting that he titled as View of Toledo. 

The gloomy clouds and the large hills tend to give the city a dull vibe.

This landscape painting by El Greco received a lot of attention and praise from critics from all over the world. 

At the same time, El Greco also painted another view of the city, but that didn’t perform well, which left the View Of Toledo painting at the top.

Name of the PaintingView of Toledo by El Greco
ArtistEl Greco
Year of Creation1600
Currently Housed InMetropolitan Museum of Art, NY

Suggested Read: Famous Spanish Artists

Spring, or The Earthly Paradise, by Nicolas Poussin (1664)

A famous landscape painting by Nicolas poussin called the Spring, or the Earthly paradise
Image Source: FreeArt

Nicolas Poussin has created a series of four paintings of which Spring, or The Earthly Paradise, is a part. 

In this nature painting, Spring features Adam and Eve resting underneath the famous apple tree that is mentioned in the Bible.

Unfortunately, when Poussin was painting them, he suffered from a hand tremor stroke that led to his sudden demise.

All four paintings from the Poussin series have their own rooms and are safely housed among some of the most famous paintings in the Louvre. 

Name of the PaintingSpring, or The Earthly Paradise
ArtistNicolas Poussin
Year of Creation1664
Currently Housed InLouvre Museum

The Dream, by Henri Rousseau (1910)

one of the famous landscape paintings by Henri named The Dream .
Image Source: Displate

One of the most famous landscape paintings and also one of the last oil paintings by Henri Rousseau.

The Dream is the largest jungle painting that was curated by him.

His mistress from his youth years is the main subject of this painting, who can be seen sitting naked on the left.

This landscape painting depicts a lot of personalities that are hidden due to colors like the tigers and the snakes, and a flute player as well.

He has used the dark background as a benefit to bring out the vibrant flowers and lotus on the canvas beautifully.

Name of the PaintingThe Dream
ArtistHenri Rousseau
Year of Creation1910
Currently Housed InMuseum of Modern Art, NY

The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh(1889)

Painting of Starry Night by Van Gogh.
Image Source: Etsy

The Starry Night is one of the best and most famous landscape paintings in the art world! 

This landscape painting depicts a scene from Van Gogh’s mental asylum in France. 

One surprising thing about Van Gogh was that he would memorize the scenes from the night and draw them during the daytime. 

The Starry Night remains one of the most debated yet most famous paintings by Van Gogh. 

Name of the PaintingThe Starry Night
ArtistVincent Van Gogh
Year of Creation1889
Currently Housed InMuseum of Modern Art, NY

Hill With Lighthouse by Edward Hopper(1927)

Hill With Lighthouse is a famous landscape painting by Edward Hopper
Image Source: Arthive

Edward Hopper’s landscape painting  features two focal points: the cottage and the lighthouse.

The shadows of both subjects can be seen in the bottom half of the landscape painting. 

It is because of the shadows that many art critics consider it dark and negative.

The lighthouse has been made in the lowest view by the painter, and it also creates a look of a tower like structure. 

Name of the PaintingHill With Lighthouse
ArtistEdward Hopper
Year of Creation1927
Currently Housed InDallas Museum of Art

The Hay Wain, by John Constable (1821)

The Hay Wain is a landscape painting
Image Source: Wikipedia

The Hay Wain by John Constable is a famous landscape painting that is both magnificent and serene!

The name “The Hay Wain,” refers to the wagon carrying the wheat, which is the main subject of this landscape painting. 

The surreal beauty of this landscape artwork is the wagon making its way through the stream.

Its background   shows the farmlands of Suffolk and the people working there.

 This portrait was originally called ‘Landscape: Noon.’

But later, John changed its name  because of its brilliance in his series of famous landscape paintings called ‘six-footers’.

This landscape painting creates an immersive experience for the viewer, which entices them to just keep on looking! 

Name of the PaintingThe Hay Wain
ArtistJohn Constable
Year of Creation1821
Currently Housed InNational Gallery, London

Wanderer Above The Sea Of Fog by Casper David Friedrich (1818)

Painting of Wanderer above the sea of Fog by Casper Davis Friedrich
Image Source: Redbubble

Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Casper David Friedrich is one of the masterpieces of romanticism. 

The painting shows a man standing atop a rocky mountain, gazing upon the foggy clouds with a walking stick held tightly in his right hand. 

This landscape artwork is the most famous example of Rückenfigur (the subject’s back facing the viewer).

The artist released this landscape painting during the French Revolution, sparking various controversial remarks.

The ‘Wanderer’ does help the viewer focus on the subject of the landscape rather than the landscape itself, which can be discovered later. 

Name of the PaintingWanderer Above The Sea Of Fog
ArtistCasper David Friedrich
Year of Creation1818
Currently Housed InHamburger, Kunsthalle

Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth (1948)

Christina's world by Andrew Wyeth
Image Source: Tutt’Art

This emotional landscape painting by Andrew Wyeth features the subject, Anna Christina Olson.

As per the stories, Anna had been suffering from a muscle disorder that prevented her from walking since the age of 30. 

As Anna is shown crawling across the field, the artist succeeds in creating a gloomy environment with the use of gray skies. 

Wyeth made her pink dress pop out as if it were a flower in between a dry land.

The distance between Anna and the cottage shows the difficulties she has to go through because of her condition.

Name of the PaintingChristina’s World
ArtistAndrew Wyeth
Year of Creation1948
Currently Housed InMuseum of Modern Art, NY

View of Haarlem with Bleaching Fields by Jacob Van Ruisdael (1675)

View of Haarlem with Bleaching fields is a famous landscape painting by Jacob Van Ruisdael.
Image Source: BrushWiz

View of Haarlem with bleaching fields by Jacob Van Ruisdael is a beautiful landscape painting that captures the Dutch essence on the canvas with perfection. 

Foggy white clouds and shadows give the impression of a cozy setting in the painting. 

The artist did an excellent job of setting the undertone of the painting by placing the viewer on a higher note than the landscape.

This elevated detail makes the viewer look around the painting for other elements.

The bleaching grounds shown in the right center of the canvas are the main highlight of the landscape.

Name of the PaintingView of Haarlem with bleaching fields
ArtistJacob Van Ruisdael
Year of Creation1675
Currently Housed InKunsthaus Zurich, Switzerland

The Grand Canal at the Church of La Salute, by Giovanni Antonio Canal (1742)

The Grand Canal at the Church of La Salute by Giovanni
Image Source: Wikimedia

The Grand Canal at the Church of La Salute by Giovanni Antonio Canal is one of the most debated landscape paintings. 

This landscape artwork provides the viewer with a detailed panoramic view of Venice.

The meticulous detail done by the artist throws emphasis on the minute details done on the great cathedral on the right.

The boats and the people shown in the landscape give character to the foreground,  making it one of the most famous landscape paintings of all time.  

At the time of painting, it is said that Giovanni focused mainly on the architectural designs of the buildings.

Fun fact: Many modern artists have made replicas of these beautiful landscape pastel portraits

Name of the PaintingThe Grand Canal at the Church of La Salute
ArtistGiovanni Antonio Canal
Year of Creation1742
Currently Housed InEmil Georg Bührle collection in Zurich, Switzerland.

The Oxbow by Thomas Cole (1836)

oxbow by Thomas Cole
Image source: Wikipedia

Oxbow by Thomas Cole is an excellent representation of the silence which falls on a village just after the passing of a thunderstorm.

The contrast shown in the scenic painting by the American artist is poetic and does justice to the beauty of the landscape.

Thomas Cole received great praise for this artwork for the portrayal of the Connecticut river valley,

Which is why it is considered the best scenery painting of all time.

Name of the PaintingThe Oxbow
ArtistThomas Cole
Year of Creation1836
Currently Housed InMetropolitan Museum of Art, NY

White Night by Edvard Munch (1901)

White night by Edvard munch
Image Source: Arthive

Edvard Munch was an artist with a one-of-a-kind painting style.

He concentrated more on the scenic beauty of the place; the artist didn’t focus much on the foreground subjects.

The White Night is a depiction of the Norwegian winter, where Munch was from. 

The effect of being moonlit from the right gives this famous oil painting the name “White Night”.

The declining line of sight gives the landscape painting depth to immerse the viewer. 

Unlike other famous landscape artists, Edvard liked to have an anxious feeling to his paintings.

Name of the PaintingWhite Night
ArtistEdvard Munch
Year of Creation1901
Currently Housed InThe National Museum of Art, Oslo, Norway

Ski Jacket by Peter Doig (1994)

Ski Jacket is a famous landscape painting
Image Source: WikiArt

This is Peter Doig’s landscape artwork, a large compilation of two canvases. 

Yes, you heard it right. The two canvases combine to depict a Japanese mountain with skiers learning to ski.

And what is even crazier is that Peter made this famous mountain painting by just looking at a photograph.

With the use of vibrant colors, the painting opens up the mirror line separating the two canvases.

Many small skiers who are learning to ski fill the landscape artwork with life.

Name of the PaintingSki Jacket
ArtistPeter Doig
Year of Creation1994
Currently Housed InTate Museum

The Morning in a Pine Forest by Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky (1889)

The morning in a pine forest by Ivan Skishkin and Konstantin
Image source: Redbubble

A collaboration between a pair of these famous landscape painters resulted in a truly breathtaking view of the Russian flora and fauna. 

This scene depicts a family of bear cubs along with their mother wandering about the fallen tree.

The detailed view of the tree made it one of the most famous tree paintings in Russia, receiving recognition worldwide and being reproduced on various items.

It is said that Shishkin is the one who started this famous landscape painting, and was later completed by Savitsky.

The season of autumn is clearly distinguished by the dead leaves and the perfectly brushed rays of sunlight that drop from the top onto the subject of the painting. 

Name of the PaintingThe Morning in a Pine Forest
ArtistIvan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky
Year of Creation1889
Currently Housed InState Tretyakov Gallery

Rain, Steam, and Speed- The Great Western Railway by J.M.W. Turner (1844)

Rain, Steam and Speed- The Great western railway by J.M.W is a great landscape painting.
Image Source: National Gallery

This landscape painting’s main body consists of a railway train traveling amidst the countryside during rainfall. 

The railway depicted here by Turner is the Great Western Railway, as it was the icon of the industrial revolution in Britain. 

In this famous oil painting, he also tried to portray several negative details, like the smoke given out because of the revolution.

The bridge shown in this famous landscape painting is mainly believed to be the Maidenhead Railway Bridge in London, where Turner lived for over 30 years.

Name of the PaintingRain, Steam, and Speed- The Great Western Railway
ArtistJ.M.W. Turner
Year of Creation1844
Currently Housed InNational Gallery, London

Lake Keitel by Akseli Gallen (1904)

Akseli Gallen Kallela is a famous landscape painting
Image Source: Wikipedia

As one of the most famous oil paintings of nature in the world, Lake Keitel is also renowned as the Vision of Finland. 

The artist did an outstanding job showing the stillness and the peace of the lake on the canvas.

This landscape painting is the perfect amalgamation that expresses a mythical and political viewpoint. 

This is because the painting becomes an emotional symbol of freedom and independence.

Akseli painted 4 versions of this painting, one for each season.

Name of the PaintingLake Keitel
ArtistAkseli Gallen
Year of Creation1904
Currently Housed InThe National Gallery

Sea of Ice by Caspar David Freidrich (1824)

The sea of ice is a famous landscape painting
Image Source: Artchive

This famous oil painting of nature shows a wrecked ship, stuck in ice in the Arctic Ocean. 

Another masterpiece to be featured on our journey, this famous scenery painting is the perfect embodiment of romanticism to ever be portrayed on a canvas. 

The use of the colors white and yellow to display the vastness and distance covered by the snow is just immaculate.

The right side of the painting shows the ship along with the rocks protruding from the Earth, becoming the main highlight of the work.

Name of the PaintingSea of Ice
ArtistCaspar David Freidrich
Year of Creation1824
Currently Housed InHumburger, Kunsthalle

Looking down the Yosemite Valley by Albert Bierstadt (1865)

A famous landscape painting by Albert Bierstadt
Image Source: Wikipedia

According to many artists, this is the best sunset artwork done in the 19th century.

This was Albert’s first extensive painting of the Yosemite Valley, and we can all agree he killed it. 

The degree of realism portrayed in this painting is in fact what makes it so famous!

in the arm of Jesus

The artist’s talent is portrayed in the way he has covered the great distance of the landscape, which is mesmerizing!

It also features El Capitan, a famous cliff, on the left of the landscape painting.

Name of the PaintingLooking down the Yosemite Valley
ArtistAlbert Bierstadt
Year of Creation1865
Currently Housed InBirmingham Museum of Art

Mont Sainte-Victoire by Paul Cézanne (1896)

A famous landscape painting by paul cezanne
Image Source: Wikipedia

Don’t we all just love the peace and quiet of the countryside?

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Paul managed to capture the serenity and purity of the southern French countryside flawlessly.

Widely known to be one of the best landscape paintings by famous artists, Mont Sainte-Victoire truly captures the attention of the viewers.

From the trees to the left to the bridge on the right, the brushstrokes of the artists hold the power to capture any viewer’s attention. 

The small houses, showing the sparsity of the region, just add the perfect amount of character to the scene.

Name of the PaintingMont Sainte-Victoire
ArtistPaul Cézanne
Year of Creation1896
Currently Housed InBarnes Foundation, Pennsylvania

The Hunters in the Snow by Pieter Brugel the Elder (1565)

Pieter Brugel's The hunters is a landscape painting.
Image source: Displate

Pieter Brugel’s landscape painting The Hunters in the Snow is one of the best examples of hard work.

Among many others, this famous landscape painting marked the beginning of the early Renaissance period.

The painting is filled with character and personality because of the sheer magnitude of elements that make up the painting. 

From little animals and birds to humongous mountains, the artist had a knack for making the most beautiful landscape paintings with muted colors. 

Name of the PaintingThe Hunters in the Snow
ArtistPieter Brugel the Elder
Year of Creation1565
Currently Housed InKunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria

Snow Storm: Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps by Joseph Mallord William Turner (1812)

Snow storm hannibal and his army crossing the alps.
Image Source: Wikipedia

Nature’s force is the main highlight of this artwork.

It depicts a general, Hannibal and his army crossing the Alps while facing the local tribes.

The soldiers in the painting are trying to run from an avalanche coming down the right.

The big black cloud is shown to represent nature’s anger at Hannibal.

Turner manifests the helplessness of humans when it comes to nature.

Name of the PaintingSnow Storm: Hannibal and his army crossing the alp
ArtistJoseph Mallord William Turner
Year of Creation1812
Currently Housed InTate Gallery

The Tempest by Giorgione (1508)

The Tempest by Giorgione is a famous landscape painting
Image Source: Wikipedia

This Renaissance painting was commissioned by a Venetian noble named Vendramin.

The painting, unlike the usual famous landscape paintings, has the main focus on the two characters rather than the backdrop of the painting. 

On the left of the painting, a soldier is standing looking over his left shoulder.

While on the right, under the tree, is a woman who is attending to her child. 

The vivid backdrop of the city of Venice immerses the viewer, who is left searching for more. 

The bland details of the ground create a great contrast with those of the city and the lake.

Name of the PaintingThe Tempest
Year of Creation1508
Currently Housed InGalleria Dell’Accademia in Venice

Fishing by Annibale Carracci (1595)

This is a famous landscape painting
Image Source: Wikipedia

This famous oil painting of a landscape is an excellent example of the separation of the dark and light hues of color used by Caracci. 

The canvas highlights the busy occupation of fishing carried out by the people.

The painting has 12 distinct figures carrying out the said act on the shores of a river, giving the landscape a busy feeling. 

This painting also received huge praise from other artists like Manet, who found inspiration in it and made their own brilliant copies.

Name of the PaintingFishing
ArtistAnnibale Carracci
Year of Creation1595
Currently Housed InLouvre Museum

The Wetterhorn by Karl Edvard Biermann (1830)

The view of Wetterhorn is a famous landscape painitng
Image Source: Artsy

The view of Wetterhorn is one of the most famous mountain paintings of all time. 

Regarded as one of the greats, it portrays a lonely traveler making his way up a hedge away from the great snowy peak. 

Because of the amazing atmosphere generated by the clouds, it gives the painting a homey feeling.

The slight dabble of yellow leaves in the flora lends a homely feeling to the landscape.

At the core of the painting is a small town with a big cathedral towering over civilization. 

Name of the PaintingThe Wetterhorn
ArtistKarl Edvard Biermann
Year of Creation1830
Currently Housed InSan Diego Museum of Art

The Heart of the Andes by Freidrich Edwin Church (1859)

It is one of the famous landscape painting by Edwin Church.
Image Source: Wikipedia

One of the most famous landscape paintings by Church, The Heart, is influenced by South American geography. 

Cyrus West Field, a South American businessman, had financed Church for the painting to attract investors for his endeavors.

The topography visible is the Andes mountains, hence the name “The Heart of the Andes.”

The main attraction of this landscape artwork is the waterfall, which entraps the mind to stare into its never-ending charm. 

Name of the PaintingThe Heart of the Andes
ArtistFreidrich Edwin Church
Year of Creation1859
Currently Housed InMetropolitan Museum of Art

Wheatfield with crows by Vincent Van Gogh (1890)

Wheatfield by Vincent Van Gogh.
Image Source: Wikipedia

Vincent Van Gogh was a man who was known for his weird landscape paintings that were very famous in the art world.

He added drama and the complexities of life to his paintings, which made them famous. 

In this landscape painting, the crows are a symbol of the cycle of life, rebirth, and death.

This is especially creepy as this was the artist’s last painting before he died weeks later.

His death is still one of the greatest art mysteries in the world.

Name of the PaintingWheatfield with crows
ArtistVincent Van Gogh
Year of Creation1890
Currently Housed InVan Gogh Museum

Bigger Trees near Warter by David Hockney (2007)

Bigger trees near warter by David Hockney is one of the famous landscape painting.
Image Source: Wikipedia

Bigger Trees Near Warter by David Hockney is one of the most renowned landscape paintings of the 20th century. 

The scene for this classic landscape painting is set in Warter in the UK. 

It is also known as a recently created landscape painting  on our list.

The characterization of the sycamore trees makes it captivating.

The red houses on the right side of the canvas add more character to a bland yet tasteful landscape and create a perfect entrance for the path on the left. 

Name of the PaintingBigger Trees near Warter
ArtistDavid Hockney 
Year of Creation2007
Currently Housed InTate Museum

Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet (1872)

Impression sunrise is a landscape painting by Claude Monet
Image Source: Smarthistory

Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet is indeed one of the most famous and well-known landscape paintings of the 19th century. 

Monet received a lot of criticism for this painting, saying that it was incomplete and lacked elements of landscape artwork, which in turn became the reason for its fame. 

Even if the painting appears desaturated at first glance, there are many elements in the background to be found.

Name of the PaintingImpression, Sunrise
ArtistClaude Monet
Year of Creation1872
Currently Housed InMusée Marmottan Monet in Paris

Do you want this landscape painting to fashion the walls of your house too?

Well, look no further. Just visit our Claude Monet replica painting gallery for more information. 

Early Spring by Gio Xi (1072)

Early spring is a famous landscape painting by Gio Xi.
Image Source: Wikipedia

Early Spring is a famous and antique landscape painting by the painter Gio Xi. 

It helps educate the viewers about the ancient Chinese painting traditions. 

The method used to create this landscape art is “the angle of totality.” 

The famous artist, Gio Xi, was one of China’s greatest landscape painters, who gave a three-dimensional view to this artwork.

It involves various placements of foggy clouds seen from various angles; each one telling a different story to the viewer. 

Name of the PaintingEarly Spring
ArtistGio Xi
Year of Creation1072
Currently Housed InNational Palace museum, Taipei City, Taiwan

Travelers Among Mountains and Streams by Fan Kuan (1000)

This is a famous landscape painting.
Image Source: Tate

If you thought the last one was ancient, you will be bewildered by the age of this one. 

More than a millennia-old, this painting is one of the most popular landscape paintings by famous artists.

The background consists of a towering peak and is next to a thin waterfall falling onto the Chinese landscape. 

The sheer depth and persona of the mountain are displayed amazingly by showing every nook and cranny of the mountain. 

You won’t believe it, but this artwork is actually painted on a silk scroll from the 11th century.

Name of the PaintingTravelers among mountains and streams
ArtistFan Kuan
Year of Creation1000
Currently Housed InNational Palace museum, Taipei City, Taiwan

The Fighting Temeraire by J. M. W. Turner (1889)

The fighting Temeraire is a landscape painting
Image Source: Wikimedia

This is one of the most famous landscape paintings in the history of ship painting. 

The vessel is the main subject of the landscape artwork and is shown to be wrecked on the shore of the River Thames in England. 

This massive ship is mostly inspired by a 98- gunship and its heroic battle voyage.

It is said that this oil painting was made on a canvas on which the artist had started another ship painting.

This painting later embarked on a European journey, where it was displayed in Amsterdam, Bern, Paris, Brussels, Liege, and then Venice. 

Name of the PaintingThe Fighting Temeraire
ArtistJ. M. W. Turner
Year of Creation1889
Currently Housed InNational Gallery, London

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews by Thomas Gainsborough (1750)

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews by Thomas is a famous landscape painting.
Image Source: Wikipedia

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews by Thomas Gainsborough is a famous landscape painting and is said to be the compilation of two different types of paintings used by the artist.

To your surprise, this is a landscape as well as a portrait painting, and the subjects are said to be Mr. Robert Andrews and Mrs. Frances Andrews.

Gainsborough was just 24 when he painted this masterpiece!

Despite being into painting landscapes, he has many portraits to his name, and he adds a hint of landscaping to each.

Name of the PaintingMr. and Mrs. Andrews
ArtistThomas Gainsborough
Year of Creation1750
Currently Housed InNational Gallery, London

The Monk By The Sea by Caspar David Freidrich (1810)

The Monk by the sea by Caspar David Freidrich is a famous landscape painting.
Image Source: Wikipedia

This landscape painting by Freidrich, is the most coveted and was even craved for by the German Monarch, Friedrick William III. 

By using dark-toned colors, the artist has found success in highlighting the near-apocalyptic scenario.

It is also said that Friedrich continued to add small edits to the painting right up until the moment it was displayed.

Although it was a landscape painting by a famous artist, it received a lot of criticism from viewers because of the lack of elements available in the artwork.

Name of the PaintingThe Monk By The Sea
ArtistCaspar David Freidrich
Year of Creation1810
Currently Housed InAlte Nationalgalerie, Germany

The Vale of Dedham, by John Constable (1828)

The Vale of Dedham by John Constable is one of the famous
Image Source: Wikipedia

This painting by John is said to be one of the most serene landscape paintings to be ever painted.

The inspiration behind this painting is Hagar of the Angel, which is a famous landscape painting by Claude Lorraine. 

The scene in this beautiful painting is essex-suffolk border, which is also known as Dedham Vale.

It is believed that John sketched and painted the same subject multiple times, and every time he added variations, he added more subjects to show the deviation.

Name of the PaintingThe Vale of Dedham
ArtistJohn Constable
Year of Creation1828
Currently Housed InScottish National Gallery

Kindred Spirits by Asher Brown Durand (1849)

Kindered Spirit by Asher is a famous landscape painting.
Image Source: Wikipedia

This famous landscape painting was created by the American painter of the Hudson River School, Asher Brown Durand.

One of the best American scenery paintings, Kindred Spirits, was commissioned by Johnathan Sturges.

In this landscape artwork, you can see two of Sturge’s artist friends, whom he lost in 1848. The friends were named Thomas Cole and William Cullen Bryant. 

This painting beautifully depicts the details of the small waterfall, rocky stream, and distant peaks. 

This makes Kindred Spirits Asher one of the most famous paintings, as he has not only drawn the painting intricately but also given it depth. 

Name of the PaintingKindred Spirits
ArtistAsher Brown Durand
Year of Creation1849
Currently Housed InCrystal Bridges Museum, Arkansas

The Isle of the Dead, by Arnold Bocklin (1880)

Arnold Bocklin painted this famous landscape painting.
Image Source: Wikipedia

Arnold Bocklin painted this famous landscape painting for one of his patrons, Marie Berna. She had dedicated it to her late husband.  

To your surprise, this oil painting was actually painted by Arnold over a wooden base and not a canvas.

This famous landscape painting has been reproduced many times as it soothes the eye of the viewers, and the stillness they can experience is on another level. 

The original version of this artwork was owned by Adolf Hitler for a while; that’s when Arnold made another painting.

He named the other painting The Isle of Life, because it was completely opposite of what The Isle of Dead was about.

Fun fact: This famous landscape painting was said to be found in almost every German household.

Name of the PaintingThe Isle of the Dead
ArtistArnold Bocklin
Year of Creation1880
Currently Housed InHermitage Museum in Saint-Petersburg


These were some of our best picks of famous landscape paintings for you! .

I know they are very intriguing, and all the artwork must have definitely left you awestruck!

If it has, then art has done its duty towards you– made you think, feel and maybe even act. 

Talking about taking action;

Are you thinking that it would be amazing if you could own one of these famous landscape paintings?

Well, I have good news for you!

You can either get your hands on museum quality replicas of these paintings or get landscape portraits made to decorate your home!

To learn more about how you can order and get one for yourself;

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who are the most famous landscape artists of the 19th century?

John Constable, J.M.W. Turner, and Caspar David Freidrich are some of the most famous artists of the 19th century.

Q2. Which is the most expensive landscape painting in the world?

Vincent Van Gogh’ Irises is the most expensive landscape painting in the world. It was sold for 53.9 million dollars.

Q3. What are the famous landscape paintings of war?

We are making a new world by Paul Nash and The Fighting Temeraire by J.M.W. Turner are some of the most renowned landscape paintings of war.

Q4. Which is the oldest landscape painting in the world?

Travelers among mountains and streams by Fan Kuan is the oldest landscape painting known to man.

Q5. Which is the best landscape painting by a Renaissance painter?

Scholarly Landscape by Nicolas Poussin and The Hunters in the Snow are some of the famous landscape paintings made by Renaissance artists.

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