Category Archives: PortraitFlip Exclusive

PortraitFlip exclusive serves as a space for our readers to learn about our services and customers and how we tactically promote our products through subjects like gifting, healing from pet loss, and others.

15 Ways to Heal After Pet Loss: Get Your Therapy Here!

A black and white picture of a girl hugging a dog with the quote next to it, "loss of a pet, The Nuts & Bolts To Heal From Pet Loss: Get Your Therapy Here!"

Losing someone you love is heart-wrenching. Relationships are described by the bond we share with each other, whether it’s humans or pets. Losing a pet that you have cared for almost half of your life could be the hardest thing you have to go through. People find it difficult to cope with the memories of […]

7 Medium For Portraits: Find Your Perfect Painting Medium

7 Medium For Portraits: Find Your Perfect Painting Medium

The beauty of a painting is that it captures the real essence of the subject. However, the most important aspect that we forget is the painting medium. Whether you’re an artist or a customer, you must be aware of which medium suits you the best. Every artist is unique and so are the customer’s requirements. […]

9 Custom Painting Companies: Get the Best Painting Services Now!

9 Custom Painting Companies: Get the Best Painting Services Now!

What on earth can still make you feel worthy after spending hundreds of dollars? A simple two-word answer—custom painting! Have you ever spent a lot of money on gifts or things that you regretted later? Of course you have! Speaking from my personal experience, I invested my money in custom painting services, and that, my […]

Look Out For These 10 New Painting Trends In 2024

Look Out For These 10 New Painting Trends In 2023

Who is the trendy person over here? I guess it’s me! Guilty as charged, I love going with trends, whether it is grooving on reels or wearing the most vibrant outfit. And I just heard the news that there is a new trend in the market. Have you heard what exactly that is? They’re handmade […]

Incorporating A Lost Loved One In Handmade Paintings

Incorporating A Lost Loved One In Handmade Paintings

“This blog is dedicated to all the people who, somewhere in their lives, have lost their loved ones and struggled to heal from the pain.” The most heartbreaking memory is when you lose someone precious and close to your heart. Celebrating their stories, their little habits, or simply incorporating a lost loved one in family […]

Why Gift a Painting and When: The Perfect Gift for Every Occasion!

Gift a painting featured image

Aren’t you bored of gifting the same bouquet of roses, candles, and sparkles to your loved ones? I’m sure you are!  Why not consider paintings as gifts, which can be an-all-occasion present for you? People mostly wonder that gifting a portrait may cost them a fortune.  My friend, its not the same case anymore. Now […]

What to Do With Old Photos: 8 Creative Ways To Preserve Old Photos

What to Do With Old Photos: 6 Creative Ways To Preserve Old Photos

Recently, my mother was rearranging things when she found some old pictures of our childhood, her wedding day, and us celebrating little moments. We had a good laugh remembering those memories until we were stuck with a question, “What to do with old photos now?” A thought that rushed through my mind was that there […]

What to See When Hiring a Live Wedding Painter For Your Grand Wedding?

a cover photo of live wedding painter

There’s a lot that happens pre-wedding that sucks out your energy.  Wedding preparations are actually overwhelming! But it’s worth doing because who doesn’t want to say “I-do” in the most pleasing and visually captivating arrangements? Which is why couples have started incorporating fancy stuff such as shimmery lights, vintage music, and whatnot!  To keep the […]

How To Hire Custom Painters: A Guide!

How To Hire Custom Painters: A Guide!

What is trending nowadays? Some beautiful and authentic handcrafted paintings that captivate people’s attention could surely be counted as “new-trends.” And I know that you are on your way to getting some amazing custom paintings for your loved ones or wanting to add colors to your tedious, incomplete walls. So tell me, have you listed […]