Category Archives: Art and Aesthetics

From ancient times to the present days, PortraitFlip’s Art and aesthetics bring you insights into the most noteworthy artworks and their artists. Get cultured and appreciate the art world without toiling over the thick art books for hours.

Revisiting Roman History With Famous Roman Paintings

featured image of roman paintings

When you think about Rome, what are some things that come to mind? The tempting smell of pasta, cheese, gelato, or Colosseum?  Well, an art lover would definitely say the art of Rome. Or, to be precise, the famous Roman paintings. An influential mix of various cultures that has shaped a totally unique and fascinating […]

The Wounded Deer Painting: Explaining Wounds of Frida’s Life

The Wounded Deer Painting: Explaining Wounds of Frida’s Life

“I don’t paint dreams or nightmares; I paint my own reality” One of the famous quotes by Frida Kahlo. Every artist presents their thoughts and feelings on canvas in one way or another. But no one has done it like Frida Kahlo. I would definitely agree on this, as whenever I came across her painting, […]

The Swing Painting: Exploring Eroticism and Desire with Fragonard

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Does The Swing painting ring a bell to you?  A jovial beauty in the wilderness, happily hoisted in the air on her crimson cushioned seat of the swing.  With the charm of the lovely maiden, you almost miss out on the two figures on the ground level.  Yes, there are two men, one in front […]

What is Fresco Painting: Ancient Mural Art That Boomed in Renaissance!

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Here’s an ultimate guide to fresco painting, which evolved significantly with time and influenced geniuses like Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci. Look at some magnificent fresco paintings by these Renaissance artists. The Last Judgement, The Last Supper, The School of Athens, and others, which were made with the utmost care and affection, were actually […]

The Death Of Socrates Painting: Descriptive Analysis of the Artwork

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The Death of Socrates is a painting that holds a deeper meaning than what is shown on a canvas. It goes beyond Socrates voluntarily drinking hemlock and his students giving him patronage.  A creation by Jacques Louis David, The Death of Socrates pays homage to one of the greatest mathematicians of all, Socrates. Do you […]

Michelangelo’s The Last Judgement: Art History, Facts, & More

Michelangelo’s The Last Judgement: Art History, Facts, & More

This is the story of the year 1508.  The popes tasked a well-known artist to adorn the ceiling of the most famous place in Vatican City—Sistine Chapel. Now that I’ve mentioned the Sistine Chapel, can you guess the name of the artist? Who else other than the great Michelangelo? When you visit the Sistine Chapel, […]

The Glorious Life and Art of Jean-Honoré Fragonard

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Want a glimpse into the magic created by Jean-HonorĂ© Fragonard? Imagine you are in a luscious garden, almost like an enchanted little jungle with its greenery and beauty! Trees and flowers of all kinds surround you, and in the midst of it all, there is a long beautiful swing, covered with creepers!   You are hoisted […]

Indian Art: An Overview of India’s Diversified Art History

You may like it or not, but oftentimes we hear people crediting the Mughals or Britishers for the development of India’s art culture. It’ll be inappropriate, unreasonable, and invalid to wholly credit the Mughals or Britishers for India’s rich and vast art history. Of course, they introduced some painting techniques and styles to Indian art. […]

Minimalist Art: A Descriptive Guide on What Minimalism Is About

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Each and every work of art has its own essence, its own perspective and an individual concept. Moreover, it is an artist’s form of expression that they use to portray their views to their audience. But what if I tell you that a form of art that rejects the concept of expressionism and solely gives […]

Explaining The Great Wave Off Kanagawa (Japanese Wave Art!)

Explaining The Great Wave Off Kanagawa (Japanese Wave Art!)

In a mood for some stories? Then let me start my blog by narrating an interesting backstory about a country. 1639 was the year when a nation closed its borders and entirely disconnected itself from other countries. Western culture was banned, foreigners were dismissed, and entering or leaving the state became a punishable act. This […]