Category Archives: Art and Aesthetics

From ancient times to the present days, PortraitFlip’s Art and aesthetics bring you insights into the most noteworthy artworks and their artists. Get cultured and appreciate the art world without toiling over the thick art books for hours.

Henri’s Woman with a Hat: What’s the Controversy Behind It?

a cover photo of woman with a hat painting

Doesn’t Woman with a Hat look like the most enthralling artwork? It does, right? Bright, contrasting colors and the subject being beautifully portrayed add a wow factor to its composition. But do you know it caused a stir at the Paris exhibition in 1905? Which made it face rejection with a heavy dose of remarks […]

Almond Blossom by Van Gogh: The Essence of Life in a Blossom Tree Painting! 

Almond Blossom cover image

Of grace, finesse, and life—that is what the painting Almond Blossom by Van Gogh screams at one look!  From his collection of flower paintings, this blossom tree art has won millions of hearts across the world.  The blue color itself is perceived to be associated with calmness and even melancholy. With the endearing blue that […]

Matisse’s Dance Analysis: What Do the Figures Represent in Dance by Matisse?

Dance by Matisse

Today my eyes fell on a weird yet amusing painting. It showed a group of naked people dancing in a circle with uncanny expressions on their faces. And suddenly, my mind was flooded with questions. “Is the art promoting some kind of cult?” “What type of dance does the artist want to portray?” The curiosity […]

Famous Collage Artists: 6 Talented Weavers of Art Elements

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Art with a vision is worth it! Even the smallest drops of water make an ocean collectively! If I say that collage art is just adding and sticking random pieces of art together, then that will definitely be an understatement.  Many of the famous collage artists used real-life elements to combine and create bizarre and […]

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog: The Most Underappreciated Work of Romanticism

The cover photo of Wanderer above the sea of fog

Over 33 popular historical and fictional books have used Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog as their cover. Isn’t it a big milestone? Even if it is, you’ll be surprised to know that Caspar’s Wanderer art never received attention or massive praise from critics when its artist was alive. It was overlooked and purposely kept […]

The Backstory of Da Vinci’s Lady with an Ermine: History, Themes, & More!

Analysis of Da Vinci's Lady With an Ermine (In-Depth View)

An interesting fact: Before the famous Mona Lisa, there was an artwork that possessed similar traits. The artwork features a lady holding almost the same facial expression as that of the Mona Lisa.   This is another oil creation by Leonardo that remained away from the limelight.  I’m talking about the painting that you know but […]

The Weeping Woman By Picasso: Demonstrating Agony Through Cubist Art! 

The Weeping Woman By Picasso cover image

Oh, this is pain, this is anguish! I faint, I fail. Now my body thaws; I am unsealed, I am incandescent. – Virginia Woolf I personally thought that this moving quote by the great feminist author would best represent The Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso!  We would think it is impossible for an edgy and […]

Figurative Art: The Linear Depiction of Figures Through Sculptures and Paintings

Featured image of figurative art

The curves of a human body, the fierce eyes, and the hand postures that look almost surreal! An art form that has helped in shaping the portrayal of humans and living beings in the art world. This is exactly what figurative art talks about. Don’t confuse this with realism, as both concepts may sound similar […]

Understanding Art in Postmodernism: A Guide to Postmodern Art

Understanding Art in Postmodernism: A Guide to Postmodern Art

If you ask about postmodern art, either the answer will leave you confused or unsatisfied. Speaking from my personal experience, this topic was a bit hard to research. But here I am with the explanation in the simplest way you can ever look for. For starters, art in postmodernism is nothing but a later discovery […]

Disturbing Painting “Ivan the Terrible and His Son” Explained!

Ivan the Terrible and His Son cover image

What comes to  mind when you come across Ivan the Terrible and His Son? The first time I came across this title, the following questions pooled in: Who is Ivan? Why is he called Ivan the Terrible? And why mention his son? Does his son not have a name? There is a whole stream of […]