Author Archives: Kalyani Chhapekar

Latest Cat Room Ideas That Will Keep Your Cat Entertained Indoors

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If you are a cat parent, then you know that your feline baby deserves more than just a cozy corner. It is also a fact that cats can get restless indoors sometimes. But what if you transform your home into a playground of adventures for your feline baby? With the right designs and with the […]

14+ Gift Ideas for Graduation: A Unique Gift Guide for 2024

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Don’t we all love receiving and giving gifts, even on the simplest occasions? While talking about occasions, how can we not talk about graduation? Graduation day is a big deal, and it deserves an amazing celebration and a perfect gift. If you know someone who is graduating soon, then you might want to save this […]

Top 5 Unique Couple Photo Ideas: 2024 Edition

What is one of the timeless ways to preserve the memories and love of a couple? Considering that we’re all living in a digital era, it has to be photos! Even if you scroll through social media or the internet, you can see how couples actively get their photo shoots done. The reasons behind it […]

Art Appraisal: Evaluating Estimate of Your Artwork

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Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and trust me, the eyes never lie, especially when it comes to art! The best admirers of paintings are definitely art lovers, until art appraisers come into play.  Now you may wonder who are art appraisers and what do they do? Art appraisers are people who examine […]

Famous Indian Painters Who Created Greatest Paintings Of All Time

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What if I asked you to imagine a place filled with culture, vibrant lanes and some of the best delicacies around the world? Not only that, but the  place you’re imagining is also known as the birthplace of yoga and some of the most renowned art forms hail from this region. Does it all ring […]

Discover and Understand the Purpose of Art in Detail

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Do you ever sit and wonder what must’ve inspired an artist to draw? Or to create art in general? Well, in some cases, you can conclude that they either want to be artists or that it’s one of their hobbies to draw. Whatever it is, behind every creation there is always a purpose and that […]

Themes In Art: Exploring Art Themes

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What makes an artwork intriguing?  It’s the subject! well, up to some extent, it is correct but what if I tell you there’s something that is equally important to give a base to your art? That is: “Themes in Art“. The themes in art not only give the artist a viewpoint for the painting but […]

How To Ship a Painting Without Worrying?

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Shipping artwork sounds like a hectic and tedious job. From looking for a reliable delivery partner to sourcing the packaging supplies, it is itself such a huge task. Even if you find a company that will do the packaging and other formalities, I’m pretty sure it will break your bank at some point. And trust […]

Ways To Clean An Acrylic Painting Without Damaging It: 2024 Guidebook

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When you think about an artist, what do you think their greatest possession is? Definitely their artwork and art supplies; they do love them a little extra! Therefore, they keep up their work with the utmost care and love.  But it’s next to impossible to preserve art and protect its beauty for a longer time […]

La Primavera by Sandro Botticelli: A Mystic Tale Of Love and Marriage

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Welcome to the mythological world of Botticelli, where mystical tales were carved on canvas. Today, we are going to talk about his famous creation, ‘La Primavera’. Almost looking like a scene from a spiritual book and being one of the biggest tempura panels, Sandro’s La Primavera was nonetheless a masterpiece. La Primavera was one of […]