Can you rate, on a scale of 0–10, how influential an artist can be? 8, 9, maybe 10 as well, right? But you have to agree with me that no artist can be as influential as Vincent Van Gogh was, which is a 100! The man has a song dedicated to one of his paintings […]
Author Archives: Arpita Parashar
“I don’t paint dreams or nightmares; I paint my own reality” One of the famous quotes by Frida Kahlo. Every artist presents their thoughts and feelings on canvas in one way or another. But no one has done it like Frida Kahlo. I would definitely agree on this, as whenever I came across her painting, […]
This is the story of the year 1508. The popes tasked a well-known artist to adorn the ceiling of the most famous place in Vatican City—Sistine Chapel. Now that I’ve mentioned the Sistine Chapel, can you guess the name of the artist? Who else other than the great Michelangelo? When you visit the Sistine Chapel, […]
In a mood for some stories? Then let me start my blog by narrating an interesting backstory about a country. 1639 was the year when a nation closed its borders and entirely disconnected itself from other countries. Western culture was banned, foreigners were dismissed, and entering or leaving the state became a punishable act. This […]
“The one way for us to become great, perhaps inimitable, is by imitating the ancients.” This quote from one of Winckelmann’s publications is what our blog is all about. Let me walk you through this quote and the topic we are going to cover. You already have an idea that there have been several different […]
If you’re wondering what foreshortening is, then let me tell you that you’re not alone. Being an art lover, this question keeps running through our minds. But let me ask you something. Do you sometimes feel as if you’re standing into the painting or in front of the subject? As if you belong to the […]
Tell me the first thing you notice in art . I am sure your eyes fall for the subject that it consists of. A subject is the most significant part of art. It is the primary reason to produce a painting that brings the artist’s perspective in front of his/her viewers. Its colors, shapes, and […]
We have come across numerous renowned paintings in our lives. Each artwork tells you about its artist’s mindset and the places they’ve been influenced by. The histories behind those paintings are unique, capturing our minds. But today I came across an artwork whose saga captured my soul, leaving me with an emotional and aching feeling […]
Art always fascinates me. I always wonder if paintings and 3D images are magical. How can someone draw something that is so realistic from scratch? Look at the art communities for once; they produce insanely detailed images that appear real and live. How? Don’t you want to know? Well, their little secret is not a […]
There is a saying, “drops of water can turn into an ocean.” Quite familiar, right? There is another saying that is somewhat the same. “Dots by dots can turn into a painting.” Well, I just made that up but some famous artists created history with this quote. You must be wondering what I’m trying to […]